Computer Systems Management & Support

Every small business must back up, update, and protect its computers.

Unprepared businesses pay the price in time and money for not having data backups, not updating computers, and not defending their computer network from bad people who intend harm. There are many potential solutions to these problems, but how do small businesses determine the most cost-efficient and effective? My primary focus is to limit unexpected and potentially debilitating costs associated with inadequate computer backup, updates, and protection. With 30 years of experience providing technology solutions to small businesses, I recommend the most cost-effective and efficient way to back up your data correctly, routinely update your computers, and defend your computer network from cybercriminal attacks and exploits.


Contact Information

182 Sunridge Road
West Rindge, NH 03461
(978) 616-9462

Areas of Practice

Data Protection


By following the 3-2-1 backup principle, you can protect your data. You need (3) copies of your data with (2) copies on different storage media and (1) in a separate location. By combining proven backup software, purpose-built storage hardware, and the fastest cloud storage service, you can make the 3-2-1 backup principle work for your business. Best of all, the whole process can be largely automated.

Computer Maintenance


By keeping your Windows computers adequately maintained with the most recent operating system patches, security fixes, and system feature releases, your computers present a reduced “attack surface” for cybercriminals. Patching and updating your computers is accomplished using a suite of tools that substantially automates and completes the process in less time.

Network Defense


The Domain Name System or DNS is the building block of the internet. Everyone uses it to locate other computers, applications, and services on the internet. Unfortunately, “everyone” includes criminals, too. To defend your network, you need a Protective DNS (PDNS) service to block your computers from accessing bad domain names and IP addresses. A PDNS service installs no hardware or software on your computers. The PDNS server IP addresses are added to your computer network configuration for safer internet use.

“Every business needs to address the 3 points of the Security Triangle: Data Protection, Computer Maintenance & Network Defense.”

Don’t Wait until
You’re Forced to Play Catch-up,

Get in Touch Now

Time to pay attention and do the things that will protect your data, maintain your computers, and defend your network from bad people who intend harm. You don’t need to figure out how to do it because I have already done that for you.